Cat notepad DIY with free printable
As a stationery lover and of course a cat lover, I decided to make myself a cute little cat notepad to write down my jobs for the day.
Here’s how you can make one too.
All you’ll need is;
- Printer
- Glue (I always use PVA)
- Scissors/guillotine
- Thin card (optional)
- Bulldog clips
Who knew that making your very own cat notepads would be so easy?

So first off, you need to cut out the sheets. If you have a guillotine that’s brilliant but scissors will do just as good a job.

I cut a piece of blank card in the same size to act as a backing. If you don’t have any blank card laying around then why not whisk yourself back to your childhood and cut up a cereal box.

Let’s get sticking!
Now, please don’t be jealous of my PVA there, I know it’s a heck of an impressive stash but my good old Dad is a retired joiner and he gave it to me after having a shed clear out.
There’s a few ways to hold the pad whilst drying but I went for some mini bulldog clips.
You could use some books to add weight if you don’t have any clips. Just ensure they don’t touch the glue 😆

I used a clip either side to keep all the pages and back together and smoothed on a good layer of the PVA with a paintbrush (you could also just use a finger).
Once the glue is tacky you can add the clips at the top until fully dry.
When the glue was dry I added another couple of coats just to ensure all the pages stayed together. There’s no need for the clips as this stage.

And there we have it, a super cute cat notepad to write my to do list and other very important things of the day!
Here’s your free cat printable so you’ll never forget those important tasks again.

Want more cat crafts?
Take a look at this post to find out what you can do with all the cat hair you have collected after you brush your little babes.

Want some cool cat printables and to get on the cool cat list?
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